Friday, November 30, 2007

blog slacker

Wow, I have been such a huge slacker when it comes to blogging. If you are out there and still reading, please forgive me! Thanksgiving sort of took over and I've been out of touch with reality ever since (struggling to get back into the routine of normal life, at least!).

One tip I would like to pass on is regarding diaper rash. Hopefully we'll have some more deep posts soon, but for now, this was really helpful and might help you sometime! Lewis came down with a terrible diaper rash just after Thanksgiving. Unlike every other time, Boudreaux's Butt Paste didn't clear this one up! I was pretty concerned, and talked to the ladies in the church nursery about it on Sunday as I changed another stinky diaper.

One of them mentioned that when her twins, now 3, had bad diaper rashes, she used something called Triple Paste. She said it is sold without a prescription, but it's typically kept behind the counter because it's pricier and is prone to get stolen. Sure enough, the Kroger pharmacy had some and it got rid of this awful rash right away. I was pretty thankful for this tip, and may never have known without some advice from someone who's been there.

Friday, November 16, 2007

back home

We've been back from our vacation for a week now! We had a good time. Travel-wise everything went fabulously. Every flight was early and we were able to catch an earlier return flight for the last leg which got us back 3 hours ahead of schedule. Since we didn't check any bags, we didn't have to worry about lost luggage. Everything went really well. We were so busy and tired from hiking, walking etc., that I didn't worry about Lewis. We talked frequently to the grandparents, but everything seemed to be going well, so those calls just set us at ease more than anything.

We also took the opportunity to completely wean Lewis from nursing. He is over 16 months-old now, and was only nursing at night anyway, so it has been a relatively smooth transition. Five days away made it much easier since I was unable to continue in our routine. It has taken us a few days to get into the swing of a new bedtime ritual. Lewis used to nurse with a low-lit lamp and got used to watching his clock tick on a nearby shelf (odd, but he likes it!), so I have switched to rocking him and singing a few songs instead so that he still has a good view of the clock. He still lays down awake and goes right to sleep. He has slept great since we got back home, which has been a great blessing!! It seems that sleeping is one of his best talents, and I can't complain about that. :)

All in all, we survived our first baby-absence. It was not as bad as I had expected, and the best part was not cooking, cleaning or changing diapers for several days. We were certainly ready to be reunited with our boy. He's become the sweetest part of our lives.

It seems like time really flies in the fall or is it just me? Next week is Thanksgiving. It's so hard to believe that we're into the holidays already. Soon we will be making the big decision about Christmas decorating........or really, seeing what Lewis' decision about it will be. If we put up a tree and he wants to un-decorate it on a regular basis, we may have trouble. We also have a 6 month-old kitty who could try to climb the thing, so I'm trying to keep my expectations low! If you have any good stories to share about your experience with kids and holiday decorating, it would be fun to hear your feedback.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

getting away

This has been a good week in our home. Lewis is sleeping great again, despite a tooth coming through that is causing him to love his paci. The solution this time seems to have been covering the little lights on his humidifier and baby monitor. Maybe it was a coincidence, but once the extra light was gone he's had no trouble sleeping 11-12 solid hours once again, and for that we are truly grateful.

Along with this development, I have been able to get back into my routine of waking up before Lewis and spending some time in my Bible and prayer before things go crazy. My favorite part about this set-up is that when I wake up, there is a fresh pot of coffee waiting for me! Thanks to our lovely Krups programmable coffee maker, I can stumble around in the morning with easy access to the beverage that starts my day off right. It's funny how the little things mean so much sometimes!

In other news, we are preparing to leave Lewis for a few days and take a much needed vacation. Still, I am anxious about leaving him even though his grandparents are crazy about him and will take great care of him. If anyone has any advice or stories to share on getting through the separation anxiety, I'm all ears (or eyes technically if you post a comment!). I feel like the 23rd Psalm is coming true in my life as the Lord is making me lie down in green pastures and leading me beside still waters by taking this vacation. We wouldn't be going if our frequent flier miles were not expiring at the end of the year. So in a way it feels forced, but I know God, as my loving heavenly father, has a good plan that includes more blessing than I tend to expect. Justin really needs the break too, so it is coming at a great time and the trip will conclude on our fourth wedding anniversary. God is good. :)