Saturday, February 3, 2007

as iron sharpens iron

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."--Proverbs 27:17

Thanks so much for all of your comments that you've posted! I have been so encouraged by your honesty and willingness to type your thoughts onto this blog. Even the hard things are somehow uplifting because it seems like we all share some burdens in common. To make it easier to continue introducing ourselves, and keeping up with new additions, there is now a link to that post on the right of this page. Check back periodically to see any new 'faces' on the blog. A few people added comments in just the last couple of days. What a nice way to re-connect or meet someone new. My prayer life is improving just thinking about you all and what you are going through. It is so nice to take the focus off of my own life for a while.

Thanks for helping to sharpen other women! May God grant you some 'rest' this weekend.


me said...

I've been up working on my freelance stuff well past midnight every night for almost a week now, and checking this site has become an almost compulsive thing as the night drones on with me in front of the computer screen and I need a break. As I rework HTML for yet another time, it's fun to see if anyone has said anything on here. Anyway, no one really has said anything in a while, aside from Shelley, so in case the others of you are like me and needing a break from pressing deadlines, here is a post for you to read! :) The postings on here have stuck with me lately - about God just wanting our attention. And the advice someone gave to spend time with God while nursing was excellent. I'm reminded to pray every time Taylor eats lately - it's a very good way to pace myself throughout the day. So thanks for that idea. Anyway, I had better get back to work. Hope everyone's week got off to a good start. - Sarah

Anonymous said...

There are some good comments on the "how do you do it?" post. I've already tried praying to the tune of 'twinkle twinkle' which really helped me yesterday. The last few days have put me on edge with Lewis teething. He's been awake for 3 hours today and has cried for the majority of that time (luckily it made him tired and he is now napping!). The sound of him crying really puts me (and apparently our cat) on edge and I hate the feeling that this time I might snap. This is not the way it usually is, thank God! And I have to remind myself what a blessing it is to be married and have a baby boy. Lots of people may never have this experience and I really do love it. Luckily Justin is home today so he has agreed to let me get away for a little while to regain my composure!! Sorry for the venting session. --Shelley

yulia said...

If you have any good ideas about going out with the baby (like shopping etc) I would love to hear your thoughts: anything that you found helpful to make it a positive experience:) My Anthony is 1 month old and I haven't had to go out anywhere yet with him,.. we are staying with the family so they take care of it plus the weather has not been the gratest to get out anyway, but it's on my to do list! I am afraif when I get to the store, he'll start crying and I'll have to return home without accomplishing anything,..

Anonymous said...

Yulia, I would suggest a snugli or other comfortable carrier, a blanket (in case you have to stop and nurse and want to cover up), plenty of diapers and wipes (can't tell you how often I've opened the diaper bag and only then remembered that I hadn't restocked it- for that reason always keep extras in the car too), small toys, and snacks (very lifesaving- of course, that's for when he's older). Most of all, patience, a sense of humor, and as Shelley and others have said, a more simplified to-do list. Also, realize that the vast majority of people are very forgiving of babies and their cries. You are under a grace period until he's about 2, when suddenly people no longer think it's cute for a child to scream in a public place. Until then, nobody is going to mind a fussy baby. I was once in Kroger with my two little ones, pushing one of those huge car carts around. I was extra sensitive about being in people's way, so I apologized a lot. One lady said, "Listen, honey. If people want to get around you, they can just wait. You have your hands full." Of course you don't want to push that too far... heehee. But it made me realize that most people are gracious, and if they aren't, it wouldn't be a bad thing for them to learn a little patience.

Household6 said...

I always kept my kiddos in the car seat. The seemed very comfortable in it, they slept well and it just clipped right onto the stroller or shopping cart. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT CRIES sometimes babies do that and if it gets bad, just go home!! I have SO much baby gear I have tried almost every brand of "thing" on the market. When they were really little I did put them in the sling (I had one of the black and white toile ones from Target that I enjoyed) or the Baby Bjorn. The only problem with these carriers is that after awhile those little boogers get pretty darn heavy!! It always kind of hurt my back, I'm not sure they are made for petite women as they never seemed to hit me correctly.

I'm with Jeanette. CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK the diaper bag. I can't tell you how many times my oldest had a major blow out and I had one wipe, no diapers, and no clean outfits!! AGH!!!!

Most importantly GET OUT!! It's good for both of you! Babies aren't as frail as people like to make them out to be. A little fresh air and socializing does them good too!

Oh and when your son gets to the age where he can sit in a cart all by himself get a full cart cover!! I had another black and white toile number (can you see a theme here!) and it even had a little pillow to prop Gabe up when he wasn't sitting well on his own! That thing was PRICELESS!! I have it washed and ready to go for this baby...all though I have a while still!!

Good luck!! Let us know how your first outing goes!


the Powells said...

after years of grocery shopping by myself I found myself talking to Corrie while she rode up and down the aisles. people probably thought I was a nut talking to a little baby but it was the most fun I'd had grocery shopping... and still is. although winter makes it hard to get around these days I still enjoy having a 'companion' to shop with!

(and I also thought when I was pregnant that I would NEVER use those changing stations in the bathrooms because who knows who's little behind was on it before but that went out the window along with some other ideas i had about

maybe we'll see everybody out there!

me said...


I agree with Heather about the Baby Bjorn. It does get heavy after a while, but with a one month old it's not a big deal at all. I had many an outing to Target with my little Taylor in the Baby Bjorn. As a little baby, they just face inward, and can nap against your chest. The motion of me walking kept her extremely happy, and if she got a little fussy, I would just learn forward and rock (try to picture me turning myself into a human swing). Anyway, Taylor was a pretty fussy baby, but whenever I took her out in that thing she was completely calm. I guess I should have prefaced that with the fact that it does take a little getting used to for a baby, just like everything. The first time in the car seat, the swing...all those things that eventually are magic at lulling babies to sleep initially freak them out. Also - when people saw her little legs sticking out of that carrier, they just went nuts for how cute it was, especially if her dad was carrying her. People really never seemed to mind a little crying - they're so excited to see such a little baby out and about - and the funny little carrier just seemed to get even more adoring reactions. Plus, my hands were free to swipe my credit card and pick out more pacifers and toys! Oh, and not to go on too long about the product, but I also loved how snugly it was and that if it was raining, she fit underneath the umbrella with me as easily as she did when she was in my tummy. I even used it grocery shopping while pushing the cart for a while. Thankfully, around the time she became too big for my back to bear the weight any longer and it got too hot in the summer to be pressed that close together, she learned to sit up in the cart. Anyway, hope that helps. - Sarah