Monday, March 10, 2008

nesting happened this week, or maybe last. I dove into nesting mode. I've been digging through boxes of old stuff, taking things to the Goodwill and throwing tons of junk away. Two things are my big hang ups: photos and letters.

For some reason, I have a collection of photos that are probably copies of pictures in albums, but they're all in boxes here or there. When I start looking through them I get all sentimental and decide I can't part with them quite yet. But when I stop to think about it, it would not be devastating if a fire came and swept it all away......and would probably make the process easier! But it remains a struggle.

The letters have been funny and encouraging to read. Since email did not become prevalent until my junior year of college, I have so many letters from various friends, my sisters, and a few from my mom (those I'm keeping!), but most are getting tossed.

Jumping into nostalgia mode is so weird. I was going through all this stuff today during Lewis' nap. When he woke up, Justin got him and brought him into our office (future home of baby #2) and suddenly all those old relationships seemed trivial. Don't get me wrong.....I learned a lot from so many of these friends, and am happy to still be in touch with many of them. But seeing Lewis and his little life, as frustrating as he can be at times, reminded me that he's worth so much more than all those other friendships combined. What a blessing to be a mom and to have the (mostly!) innocent love of a toddler.

Leave your nesting tips, please!

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