Monday, October 1, 2007

what's on your mind?

Forgive me for the long delay between posts. We have been dealing with some developmental issues with Lewis which has kept us pretty busy. You can see an update at our regular family blog if you're interested. I've actually been learning a lot through some solid sermons at church on Sundays, which has been fantastic. The other thing that has been helpful has been getting up before Lewis most mornings (sometimes he wakes up earlier than I would like!), and having some time in the Word before my day really gets going. It really does affect everything when I can take a breath and invite the Lord into my day before it gets rolling.

Going through this testing with Lewis has been rather draining emotionally. I'm thrilled to have enlisted help because we need it and I know we will all benefit from those who specialize in early childhood development. Still, it has been humbling to admit that we don't have all the answers. Our speech therapist told us last week not to get bogged down in the "why's." She said she often sees parents who are intelligent and doing all they can, but their kids developmentally are missing some things. At the same time, there are those parents out there who seem clueless, and seem to be doing a whole lot of things wrong, but their kids are hitting every milestone right on schedule. It's much better to focus on moving forward than trying to figure out why we are here today, when we may never know for sure.

So today we are hopeful that we are heading in the right direction. And we are thankful to be in a place of need where we are forced to trust God with the most precious part of our lives. And we are so thankful for the blessing of Lewis, the way he is. He has his issues, but we absolutely adore him and wouldn't change a minute of his little life. We constantly hope and strive to be all that he needs us to be as his parents. We will fail often! But we will never stop trying.

All of this is meant to invite you all into the conversation. My interests and concerns right now may be on the opposite end of the spectrum from yours. My desire for this blog is for it to be encouraging for moms out there on a range of subjects. If you've got something on your mind that you'd like to get feedback on, we'd love to know. I wish i was savvy enough to know how to create threads so that a wide array of topics could be discussed all the time. Still, if you have anything you'd like to hear about or just want to share about your current joys and/or struggles, post away.

1 comment:

me said...

Okay, Shelley, I'll accept your invitation for a post unrelated to an existing topic! I'm a fairly young mom by today's standards. I'll be 27 in December, and I'll have a 20 month little girl and a newborn baby boy by that time. I just got a newsletter today discussing the Quarter Life Crisis, and I find myself feeling envious of those girls my age who are still living off very little, trying to figure out who they are supposed to be in this world. They still have chances to screw up. I remember being young once (not that long ago!) when my decisions didn't affect three other people. Now I'm struggling to put together a budget that will somehow allow me to keep staying home with my kids, and still keep us sheltered, clothed and fed. And the repercussions of my potential failure to squeeze the life out of husband's salary mean that I might have to step out of my kids' lives for 10 hours a day and let someone else be the one who cares for them. I just feel so burdened lately with the weight of that. Being a stay at home mom is difficult, and I don't mean the at home with the kids part. But trusting God to provide when our needs are very real is frightening. I guess I've always trusted in my ability to make money, or in the amount of money I have socked away in savings. Both of those aren't very reassuring right now. I have been working from home, but the arrival of a newborn is going to really force me to reevaluate that situation.

So I guess one question to the other moms who read this is how do you deal with these issues? Particularly if you stay at home, on a practical level, how do you make your money stretch? I know I'm not the only one feeling the pinch of a lost salary...or maybe I am :) How do you deal with convincing your husbands that some luxuries have to be done away with? Do you feel that, despite not working, you're the one in charge of figuring out everything about how to keep your family afloat? Anyone else want to vent? :)

Thanks!!! - Sarah