Saturday, January 19, 2008

a meandering of thoughts

My pregnancy is plugging along--16 weeks. The little person inside is growing bigger and my clothes are getting tighter! Mostly out of a desire for comfort I have already turned in most of my normal clothes for the more forgiving early-pregnancy maternity pants that I have on hand. Despite the fact that I have to keep pulling them up all the time (which is quite annoying!) it is much better than sitting around with my pants unbuttoned all the time. It seems like when I wake up things are somewhat normal, except for the morning sickness which still lingers, but by the end of the day my belly seems huge. Of course, I don't look pregnant at all, just chunkier. The joys of pregnancy!

It feels so much different this time around. Last time I was thinking about the growing baby all the time. Now I find myself still thinking mostly about that first baby, Lewis. As my belly really grows it will be harder to avoid thinking about this second child. But for now, Lewis has my undivided attention. I hate to confess that a lot of this thinking would fall into the category of worry. He is making strides in a lot of areas, and we are thrilled with that. But it feels like there is a brick wall that we can't seem to knock down and it is standing in the way of some breakthroughs for him.

We are picking a new speech therapist on Monday, and I have been praying all week for wisdom in making this decision. We are longing to find the right person who can really help us in working with Lewis. God knows exactly what we need and who would be good with him, but it is so hard to trust him sometimes. It's harder to trust myself though, which always drives me back to trusting God, after much worry, of course!

If you think about us, please pray for us on Monday. Specifically we are longing for someone who is willing to try a variety of methods with Lewis to see what works with him. We are praying for someone who can help teach Lewis simple communication like nodding, shaking his head and pointing. It feels like our lives would be completely changed if Lewis could at least do those things. Beyond that we want him to explore making sounds and/or signing.....but it will take a special person to get through to him, or possibly the right technique which we have not found yet.

I know every family has issues, and ours are certainly not greater than anyone else's. Still, we'd appreciate your prayers the next few days. Please feel free to post your prayer requests too, either here or at the Facebook page.

Update: Our meeting for today (monday) was cancelled by our coordinator due to illness. We were disappointed and have not rescheduled yet, but we'll keep you posted.

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