Monday, May 21, 2007

a great painter

"Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?"--John 18:11

"Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?"--Job 2:10

Taken from Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman. This excerpt is by Tauler:

"God is a thousand times more meticulous with us than even an artist is with his canvas. Using many brush strokes of sorrow, and circumstances of various colors, He paints us into the highest and best image He visualizes, if we will only receive His bitter gifts of myrrh in the right spirit.

Yet when our cup of sorrows is taken away and the lessons in it are suppressed or go unheeded, we do more damage to our soul than could ever be repaired. No human heart can imagine the incomparable love God expresses in His gift of myrrh. However, this great gift that our soul should receive is allowed to pass by us because of our sleepy indifference, and ultimately nothing comes of it.

Then, in our barrenness we come and complain, saying, 'O Lord, I feel so dry, and there is so much darkness within me!' My advice to you, dear child, is to open your heart to the pain and suffering, and it will accomplish more good than being full of emotion and sincerity."

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