Friday, May 4, 2007

praying for purpose

Here a short excerpt from Jodie Berndt's book "Praying the Scriptures For Your Children," specifically from the chapter 'Praying For Your Child's Purpose in Life.' Jodie writes:

"Rather than pigeonholing or manipulating our kids into a life path that might not line up with God's design, let's learn to see our kids through God's eyes--and align ourselves with his plan for their lives. To this end, author Jean Fleming recommends regular times of prayer and planning for each child. As we bring our children before the Lord, she says we should:

* ACKNOWLEDGE God's hand on their lives, even before they born.
* ADMIT any areas we resent in the way God put our children together.
* ACCEPT God's design for each child, thanking him for how he or she was made.
* AFFIRM God's purpose in creating our children for his glory.
* ALLY ourselves with God in his plans for their lives.

Of course, trusting in God and his plan for our kids--along with accepting his timetable--is not always easy. But if we remember that he loves them (even more than we do), and that he promises to work in all things for the good of those who love him, we can quit pushing and prodding--and get down to the real business of praying."

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